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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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graf fit types?

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what model should i be looking at since i have VERY flat feet with a regular width. i'm a size 9 shoe and fit comfortably in a size 9d mission L7. i don't know what models are supposed to fit well on flat feet. so far i'm thinking about the 703's or the 707's.....any advice other than trying on a pair ( which i plan to do soon)


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Generally with Graf you go down one size from your street shoe size unlike Missions where you are usually close to your actual street shoe size. I'm a size 9 in street shoes and wear a 7.5 or 8 in the 703's/G-3 skate. The 705 is a deeper fitting skate more like a Mission and I love the fit in that model.

With Grafs in general the higher the model number the wider or deeper the fit. The 737 is supposed to be a very wide skate for thicker wider feet. You're going to have to try on several different models and decide for yourself what you feel the most comfortable in. Take your time and weigh out your personal preference. After all with Grafs your investing in a fairly expensive but great quality product so there's no point in hurrying into a decision. You may also want to try a high end CCM/Reebok skate in the E width as well as they have a very comfortable mid foot and toe box fit ,but of course that's your perogative. I just thought I would mention it since you'll be spending a fair amount on the skate anyway. ;)

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With Grafs in general the higher the model number the wider or deeper the fit. The 737 is supposed to be a very wide skate for thicker wider feet.

Wrong...Graf's nomenclature has nothing to do with skates being wider. Their highest number is 735 (and no, there isn't a 737 model, that's a plane) and that is one of their moderate-fitting skates.

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