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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need help selecting palm

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i have decided to invest in a new pair of mia gloves. i need help selecting palm. Im currently using a stretch nash xx and would like something a little softer with better feel. How does cow leather compare to kangaroo and is there a big price diference between the palms. I know its all pp and ive heard that before but if i cant decide what would be a safe selection

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does anybody know if cow leather is as soft as kangaroo

I believe Kangaroo is softer and lighter. Kangaroo leather is also used in high end soccer cleats like the Adidas Predator Pulse. So that's why I believe Kangaroo is "better."

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Not a fan on how they started up and what bridges they burned to get there, amongst other things.

please elaborate by PM or here..I'm curious to know your reasons.

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does anybody know if cow leather is as soft as kangaroo

Kangaroo is softer and thiner than cow leather.

since it is thinner, what about wear issues. is it durable or will it get eaten through quickly

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most high end motorcycle leathers are made of kangaroo skin because of the weight and durability during crashes. so if it can hold up in a crash better than cow skin i'm sure it'll last just as long if not better for hockey purposes.

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is there kangaroo digital??

I'm sure it can be made but its not an option listed on the MIA glove configurator. They have a ton of options from what I hear so if you're thinking of ordering, I'd call and ask.

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Cow is really thick and I found that it had a really bad feel. Kangaroo has a really good feel and the guy at MIA told me it is better for people with sweatty hands because it dries faster. I have kangaroo microvent and I find it is confortable, dries quickly, and has amazing grip, but the only problem i have is how fast it gets stretch marks. The palm on my top hand is loose in some areas and has lost its original shape.

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kangaroo would be alot better because its the softest your gunna get. its so tender the kangaroo skin its so comfy i wish i could sleep on it

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