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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how do you take holders off the skate

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Take them to your LHS.....You need riviting tools and rivits,which are pretty expensive.

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Most shops charge $1 per steel rivit, and $1.50-2.00 for copper.

Thats exactly what we charge. If you buy the holder there we do it for free. I called another place around me, they do an automatic $25 charge plus rivets.

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Most shops charge $1 per steel rivit, and $1.50-2.00 for copper.

Thats exactly what we charge. If you buy the holder there we do it for free. I called another place around me, they do an automatic $25 charge plus rivets.

I charge $29.99 installed for holder bought here. If someone brings me a holder, sometimes I charge .50 per rivet for old rivet removal. Good customers I don't charge. The ebay'rs get charged. :o

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I tried that. Lightspeeds to Easton Air's. Make sure you have the right holder. Make sure it lines up correctly. I had to get different sized holders because of the Dry Flow feature. I think the riviet size you need is 5/16" or something like that.

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Most shops charge $1 per steel rivit, and $1.50-2.00 for copper.

Thats exactly what we charge. If you buy the holder there we do it for free. I called another place around me, they do an automatic $25 charge plus rivets.

I charge $29.99 installed for holder bought here. If someone brings me a holder, sometimes I charge .50 per rivet for old rivet removal. Good customers I don't charge. The ebay'rs get charged. :o

My favorit is when you tell them thier skate bake charge :D . There eyes look like this :ph34r: . Haha, it makes my day to tell them "ohh by the way it's $8 for that "new" sharpening and $25 for that heat bake."

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I'm pretty sure that synergy's require different sized rivets than bauer, ccm, etc. I remember that being mentioned on here when the 1300's first came out.

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I'm pretty sure that synergy's require different sized rivets than bauer, ccm, etc. I remember that being mentioned on here when the 1300's first came out.

really do you think the guy at my lhs will know that?

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when i bought t'blades my shop didnt sell them so the owner told me get them online and bring them in and he'd charge me 30 total for installation.

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I hate riveting 1300's the insole is so then that I usually don't have rivets small enough to do it. And at my store if you buy the holders there then the final charge would be 53.00.

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"My favorit is when you tell them thier skate bake charge :D . There eyes look like this :blink: . Haha, it makes my day to tell them "ohh by the way it's $8 for that "new" sharpening and $25 for that heat bake."

That is a pretty good one. Then they say, why did I bother to buy them on line????

Out in Northern California We charge $15 for the "FIRST" sharpening on a skate not bought from us. We also charge a $$ bake fee & a $$$$ CCM FIT Machine fee(pressure fit machine).

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$3 is damned cheap... but it probably is a cheap sharpening too. Btw JR, I bought a maximum edge.. should be here this week.

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"My favorit is when you tell them thier skate bake charge  :D . There eyes look like this  :blink: . Haha, it makes my day to tell them "ohh by the way it's $8 for that "new" sharpening and $25 for that heat bake."

That is a pretty good one. Then they say, why did I bother to buy them on line????

Out in Northern California We charge $15 for the "FIRST" sharpening on a skate not bought from us. We also charge a $$ bake fee & a $$$$ CCM FIT Machine fee(pressure fit machine).

$15 for a first sharpening is not unreasonable. If done correctly, it takes quite a while to sharpen virgin steel. If rushed, you burn the steel, change the temper and the steel will either break quick,and/or not hold an edge worth a damn. Like someone said, you get what you pay for.

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$6 usd for a regular sharpening. You will get a good sharpening and we will redo it if you have a complaint. I hate virgin steele. Pain in my ass and we even put a radius on it for free if you buy it there. If you don't buy it from us, don't expect any extra sympathy. We also do the free heat bake (optional), 8 free sharpenings (we keep a card on file), and free hardware for the skate as long as you own that skate. LHS are not "out to get you" sometimes they can't afford to drop the price on their HUGE inventory on sticks/skates. LHS have no where near as much inventory as Hockey giant/monkey ect.

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we charge 4 for a sharpening, and i do a damn good job sharpening skates so our prices have nothing to do with this. so dont say something until you know what your talking about. and speaking of getting what you pay for, summit sports down the street charges 4 or 5( i dont know) but i have to fix at least 3 hack jobs a day from people at that store so i suggest you say something to them about sharpening before you say something to me.

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