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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission blade question- Ribeiro

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I was at a shop this last weekend and saw a Ribeiro pattern Pulse OPS. I was kind of turned on by the pattern, but have no interest in a OPS. I know that Mission makes the L2 blade in this pattern, but I am all set on tapered blades. I was wondering if Mission will be releasing a standard composite blade in a Ribeiro. Also wondering how close the Easton Heatley is to the Ribeiro. I saw a Heatley a few weeks ago and it seems awful close. If this has been covered, please feel free to bash me about the neat search feature here.

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Most shops I talked to didn't order them. They took advantage of the skate deal and got some helmets but very few that I spoke to ordered pulses.

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Hmm didn't know they had them. We have them as well, but no Ribeiros.

I was suprised at the selection they had overall. Usually Perani's selection sucks. I was over there for the Showdown in Motown tourny and had never been to that store.

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Perani's in Pittsburgh had some Intakes, but no Pulses as of Sunday (unless they were hiding them). All they got in were some Warriors and CCM 6.0 shafts and OPS's a few weeks back.

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