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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S500 compared to vector width

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The Vector in a D will fit like the Mission EE. Mission makes a narrow fitting skate. Vector is made by CCM and is a wider boot and toe box.

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The Vector in a D will fit like the Mission EE. Mission makes a narrow fitting skate. Vector is made by CCM and is a wider boot and toe box.

I thought the Vector series were supposed to fit a little differently than one of their Tack lines?

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The Vector in a D will fit like the Mission EE. Mission makes a narrow fitting skate. Vector is made by CCM and is a wider boot and toe box.

I thought the Vector series were supposed to fit a little differently than one of their Tack lines?

They do, vectors are not nearly as wide as Tacks

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