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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finding a LHS

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Is there a website that lists LHS locations? I cannot find one in my local area other than a Play it Again Sports...which doesn't have the customer service that makes me want to return over and over, not to mention trust w/ skate fitting or sharpening.

When I was little there was a shop called Kenny Smith's Sharp Edge in Mt. Joy PA. My parents would drive me there for everything and from what I remember they were the epitome of customer service. Unfortunately I think they went out of business because i can't find any contact info anywhere.

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Most of the maufacturers web sites have a database of who carries their product. I'd hit a couple of them and find one common shop that keeps coming up. Good luck.

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where do you live?

I'm in Reading, Pennsylvania but am currently working in Malvern. I've made a few trips down to Ice Line in West Chester over my lunch break, which isn't too bad. I'd prefer to find one in the Reading/Lancaster area though.

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Not really much near Malvern. Ice Line is about as good as you're going to get. Ice Works in Aston has a pretty decent shop. Hockey Shed in Havertown is okay but the store is really small so nothing is really displayed and it's a pain in the ass to try to just browse around.

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Kenny Smith has been gone for years and B&B in Hershey went under a year a while ago. I was just in Lancaster working on some skates this afternoon.

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