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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

Durable Tendon Guards?

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I used to have a pair of Vector 6's that had the tendon guards ripping on both skates. Also, a friend had a pair of RBK 5k's and I noticed his tendon guards were both ripped too. I would like to buy a new pair of skates but know that fit is the best criteria for choosing skates. However, I would like to know which skates have durable tendon guards as I am pretty hard on them. I feel the CCM/RBK are stiff and the material may be prone to ripping even on the higher models. Please express your opinions.

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i dont like tendon guards that flare out at the top (ccm tacks line, the new synergys). i like tendon guards that stick out of the boot (easton Z-air comp, graf). those tendon guards are much stiffer.

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How do you take your skates off when you are done skating? Do you minimally loosen the laces and then grab the top of the tendon guard and pry the skate off? I've found that a lot of ripped tendon guards result from this. It seems odd for just that part of the skate to get so beat up from normal wear. I could be wrong though...

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How do you take your skates off when you are done skating? Do you minimally loosen the laces and then grab the top of the tendon guard and pry the skate off? I've found that a lot of ripped tendon guards result from this. It seems odd for just that part of the skate to get so beat up from normal wear. I could be wrong though...

Wrapping laces around your ankle will cause problems too.

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How do you take your skates off when you are done skating? Do you minimally loosen the laces and then grab the top of the tendon guard and pry the skate off? I've found that a lot of ripped tendon guards result from this. It seems odd for just that part of the skate to get so beat up from normal wear. I could be wrong though...

Wrapping laces around your ankle will cause problems too.

and tape also will do the same thing

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Thinking back, I think because my heel didn't lock when doing the toe flick at the end might have something to do with it. When I take off the skates, I usually grab the heel of the skate and the top of the toe part to take off my skates or just grab the top part of the skates near the tendon guard but not the tendon guard. <---usually the laces are already loosened so it doesn't take much strength.

Also I notice the new style skates like the One90 and Mission Fuels have the Tendon guard on the outside (to give more flex) rather than the traditional spot connected to the boot.



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I skated on 652's for years and my son used the Vector 5's for a year (out grew them) wihout any tendon guard problems.

I agree with everyone about wrapping laces and tape not the best for them but I still feel the number one culprit is the way people take off thier skates. Alot of people use the guard to pry thier skates off instead of loosening them enough, sliding thier thumb in the back of the skate next to the guard and pushing the back of the skate off.

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I agree with everyone about wrapping laces and tape not the best for them but I still feel the number one culprit is the way people take off thier skates.

I used to tear up the back of my skates when I first started playing to the point where I had to have the guard sewn back onto my CCM's at a pro shop. Once I became conscious of this I started to be more careful when I yanked off my skate... 8 boots or so later with ice and inline skates, haven't had an issue since.

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If you learn to not lace the top set of eyelets, the tendor guard will wear a lot less. This may take some experimenting. I've never had a problem with ANY wear on my tendon guards.

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i don't lace my skates up higher than the lace lock. It's easier to put the skates on and it's easier to get them tighter around the ankle. I learned this trick with my goalie skates.

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hey TBLfan, do you mean the lace lock on a CCM vector? cause that is REALLY low and you must have strong ankles.

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hey TBLfan, do you mean the lace lock on a CCM vector? cause that is REALLY low and you must have strong ankles.

nah, I have 952 tacks... and I meant that I don't lace them before I put my foot in, It's easier to put my foot in that way(I have large feet, size 13/14 in street shoes). If I leave those unlaced till I have hem on my feet i can also get them tighter around the ankle.

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