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Black Hawks Equipment Sale

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Does anybody know if the Blackhawks are having any equipment sale or if they have somewhere to buy Hawks equipment. I sent an email about 3 weeks ago and got nothing. Thanks

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I don't know if they are having an equipment sale or not, but I have gotten gameworn stuff here:


333 N. Michigan Ave.


Last time I went was about 3 years ago and they had a ton of gameworn jerseys, helmets, sticks, socks, and skates.

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ive gotten some good hawks stuff there too, thats the only place you find it i think . sometimes they get really good stuff in and other times theres not too much thats that good there. ive scored a few good buys tho .

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I bet anything with #55 on it would be in mint condition!! :ph34r:

And I'd say pretty much all the sticks still have a ton of goals in them.

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THere is a place in Naperville, Rising Star Sports inthe All Season Ice arena, the guy who owns it has a in with the equipment guy for the hawks. They always get pro stock sticks there. They had 5 Lapointe CNT Synergy's and about 10 Arnason Warrior sticks there the last time I was there. The warranty them in house. But the proces are pretty close to retail.

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I don't know if they are having an equipment sale or not, but I have gotten gameworn stuff here:


333 N. Michigan Ave.


Last time I went was about 3 years ago and they had a ton of gameworn jerseys, helmets, sticks, socks, and skates.

Thanks, also does anyone know id HawksQuarters sells sticks and equipment year round?

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The last few times I went yes it was a year round store...granted I'm sure mid summer they might be picked over pretty well.

Good Luck!

If you score anything good lemme know.

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The last few times I went yes it was a year round store...granted I'm sure mid summer they might be picked over pretty well.

Good Luck!

If you score anything good lemme know.

Yea Im going down there Saturday morning. Ill keep an eye out for anthing good that they may have and Ill be sure to let you know.

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