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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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coupla glove questions

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hey guys im in the market for some new gloves so i got a few questions

price range is about 90 bucks + shipping

1. i was lookin at the tps hgt on hockey giant, are they worth the 90 bucks? also does anyone have pics of the color sets, i searched everywhere but only found bruins

2. im wearing a 14 in mission h750 and it feels a bit big and i am always pushing me fingers down before a faceoff or break in play but wear a 14 in everything so is it just the longer finger length in the 750 or shouold i try 13's?

3. what is the best glove for the money at this price?

thanks for all the help guys


ps: go SHARKS!

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In my experience, the HE750 runs kinda small to begin with, so if those are feeling to big, I would say go with a 13" glove.

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I agree. I usually fit into intermediate sized gloves (13-13.5"). I found the Mission He series to run a bit small. The 13s had too-short fingers and the 14 just felt bulked out.

I think the Vapor XVs are nice at around the same price. I'm also interested in the TPS HGTs, but I haven't gotten my hands on any yet. (The LHS manager says that he isn't seeing a high demand for TPS gloves, or even sticks for that matter.)

Let us know what you find out when you do.

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as far as retail models go..I've had XV's pretty much since they came out..and love em...philbricks was selling them for about $60 a couple weeks back..

also have some 5000 Pro Stock and HGT Pro Stock (sweet but Ducks purple..so roller only!)

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I am in the same boat with glove sizing. Go to your LHS and get some 13" Eastons with the wrist wrap cuffs. I still wear my 13" Ultra Lites and love them.

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