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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone else get a massive build up of dust on their skate when they skate a few times on sportcourt? if so, what do you use to clean it?

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Yeah it happens if the floor doesn't get cleaned to often, but especially during tournies.

You can get special wheel rags, but i just give it a blow and use my hands to brush it off. If its real badly built up just slip the wheels out of the chassis and wipe out the insides.

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I've heard it mentioned that if you clean your wheels with Windex that it:

1) helps stop the dust from accumulating somewhat

2) helps prevent you from slipping on the dust

Anyone ever heard this? I am reluctant to squirt windex (or any other chemical) on my wheels. I just do a dust off with a rag between periods and line changes.

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I wouldn't do it unless your bearings are out of the wheels. I believe windex has alchohol in it and it would likely destroy the lubrication in them.

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yeah, i don't know about spraying windex...what i usually do is put some rubbing alcohol on a rag and wipe down my wheels. it cleans them and it makes them a little more grippy, but it doesn't last too long.

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You can try diluted vinegar..I use about a ratio of 3:1 water to vinegar and rub them down with this....the wiping of the wheels will clean the dust, and the mild acid of the vinegar seems to help rejuvinate the surface for a while. Doing this too frequently seems to harden the wheels surface though. This was picked up from some long time speed skaters as a trick for improving their grip between races.

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If you are looking just to get the dust off your skates/frame etc then a nifty item to have is a can of compressed air. You can buy these from any Radio Shack style place. They are just a can of air that comes out like spray paint. Will blast all the tiny bits of other ppls wheels off your skates.

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I've heard it mentioned that if you clean your wheels with Windex that it:

1) helps stop the dust from accumulating somewhat

2) helps prevent you from slipping on the dust

Anyone ever heard this? I am reluctant to squirt windex (or any other chemical) on my wheels. I just do a dust off with a rag between periods and line changes.

yea i do that before every tourney and it really works

i didnt do it once and i couldnt stay on my feet

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I've heard it mentioned that if you clean your wheels with Windex that it:

1) helps stop the dust from accumulating somewhat

2) helps prevent you from slipping on the dust

Anyone ever heard this?  I am reluctant to squirt windex (or any other chemical) on my wheels.  I just do a dust off with a rag between periods and line changes.

yea i do that before every tourney and it really works

i didnt do it once and i couldnt stay on my feet

You couldn't play because you didn't blow your skates out with air prior to the tournament?

I'd never in a million years play hockey with you, haha.


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