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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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great A.O collection

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www.ovechkinfans.com you can download it on that but its on rapidshare so it takes AGES

Seen it before but still like it there are loads more on www.video.google.com

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His moves amaze me. Even like the 100th time that I see them. What is the song in the background called any one know?

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"Boom" The Crystal Method Remix. Featuring P.O.D.

Cool! I was wondering the same thing.

I noticed that on open ice and on shoot-outs, he likes to fake by raising 1 leg. Interesting.

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Man, unbelievable that nobody can hit that guy. It seems every time it looks like he is going to get stood up he just flat out trucks the guy. I didn't see a lot of Caps games this year, did anyone ever see him really get hit?

Incredible speed and power, I've never seen a player with hands and speed like that who can also lay the biggest hits on the ice.

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