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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Eagles

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Hey, I was in my LHS the other day and saw some eagles that had split fingers, like the new models. The color schemes were silver and sweden colors. I was wandering if these are of the new eagle line and if the new eagle line is available could I custom order a pair any way? Becaus I am in need of some new gloves.

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Custom is a long wait right now from what I hear.

How long are you hearing?

I'm guessing quite a while. When i called last year to get eagles, i got about 3 different turnaround times, quickest was 10-12 weeks, slowest was like 14-16 weeks. Probably different now.

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If you just want black Eagles and aren't picky about the features, there's no need to go custom.

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i know theres no need for custom but i can't get any out here and i dont know any other way of ordering thats why i made this thread so i could get some insight of how to do it.

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