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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xxxx

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I am watching the london vs peterborough game, and i saw a london player sitting in the penalty box with a bauer xxxx stick. It could just be a graphic of course, it looked like the vapor xxx lite but is all black and the bauer and xxxx is in white. Ill try to see what player was using it

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bolland got hurt and when he was sitting on the bench i saw 2 of them with the player sticks. It definately looks like it says xxxx on it

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I look into my crystal ball and see the following vision...

The year is 2015...

A modsquad member starts a new topic in the Hockey Equipment section that reads "Spotted the new Bauer XXXXXXXXXXXXX Stick"

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The Vapor 70 in 2015? Cool.

But back on topic, there isn't such thing as a Vapor XXXX... Of course, as everyone knows, it'd be Vapor XL, if they ever realease a new entry into the Vapor line.

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Bauer is too smart for that. They either make the vapor line continue with the XL and make it look amaizing. Or they drop it like a bad habbit and start the Supreme one90 series of sticks (The prototype Gagne used).

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