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UK Asylum.

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OK, I was watching the news today and the main story was about a group of men from Afghanistan who hijacked a plane a few years ago and flew it to the UK to claim asylum. They got put in prison for a few years, were released on a technicality and today their asylum claim was granted and they're allowed to stay in the country.

Here's a link to the story @ the BBC

I was just wondering if anyone else on here thought it was a bit crazy to allow such people to stay in the country? Human rights or not, they hijacked a plane.

Read the story if you're bored and let me know what you think.

Thanks for your time

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We have big problems in Ireland with romanian and croatian refugees. Ireland has a really good welfare system, and they are all set up on it, their quality of life is so much better on welfare than it was back in their home countries that they don't want to work now.

And won't place their kids in school. They are given all the priveliges and free education, so their kids can grow up and make something of themselves, but they won't let their kids go to school because it will "dilute their heritage"

They haveno problem taking free housing, clothing, food and a living allowance, but god forbid we try to have them work or educate their kids.

I know they had it tough, but seriously, you would rather deny your kids an education than see them succeed. Idiots the lot of them

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I like Australia's idea, you dont get in if you dont bring a trade, over here it seems you can do absolutely sod all and get a £250,000 house with benefits. Heck why don't you bring the whole family of 20 over, Tony Blair won't mind.

I am not a racist, nor am i to the point i think it should be nothing but British in this country, infact far from it. But what i do feel is that if your coming over to the country, you should pay your bit to society. If your going to be a risk to people, then the exit is over there. And if you abuse your privelages, then you have them taken away. I dont think its unreasonable to feel that EVERYONE should do their bit.

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I like Australia's idea, you dont get in if you dont bring a trade, over here it seems you can do absolutely sod all and get a £250,000 house with benefits. Heck why don't you bring the whole family of 20 over, Tony Blair won't mind.

I am not a racist, nor am i to the point i think it should be nothing but British in this country, infact far from it. But what i do feel is that if your coming over to the country, you should pay your bit to society. If your going to be a risk to people, then the exit is over there. And if you abuse your privelages, then you have them taken away. I dont think its unreasonable to feel that EVERYONE should do their bit.

Exactly the same way as I feel about Ireland. I am sure when its come up with people over here they think I am a racist, but these refugees are being given the chance to have a good life, get a job (many were offered apprenticships with plumbers/carpenters etc) and educate their kids, and they instead thumb their noses at the opportunities while hoarding the benefits.

I am not a racist, but if you are given a chance, and laziness on your part means you don't take it, well, here is a one way ticket back to romania/croatia, and we will welcome those who want to better themselves

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