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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The real question is why does Ti-Girl have guy friends who are buying her sticks?  I thought you have a steady bf ti-girl!

I love my friends.

Obviously, but the question is what kind and how much? ;)

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Ever try the Branches Michigan?

A pretty old stick, about 5 years old. They had a bright lime green stick that is sorta like the Mission Rebel. They also had a purple one. Talk about pink not allowed??

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I would NEVER have pink gloves OR laces.  I have my black gloves and my yellow laces.  Hehe.

And beggers can't be choosers.  I KNOW they got me the pink stick because I hate pink.  Oh well, I'll stand out.

maybe it'll bug the goalies eyes as well and you can get more goals :D

One kid I played once had the lime green Synergy ST Grip, and it was wrapped in pink tape. I swear it blinded the goalie because he got a hat trick in that game (we won 4-3 though).

No wonder manufacturers are making pink, green, and camo sticks. They do lead to more scoring. :P

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Those are bright. I play with a girl who uses 1 and a guy on 1 of my brother's teams uses 1. You definately know where the person is.

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