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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I love watching state. I think it is more exciting to watch than the NHL playoffs, and College Games. Minnesota Rules. :)

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I've lived in MN my whole life and it is great. I live in the northern part of the state. When you go to the outdoor rinks at night there are people everywhere. It really helps with your stick handling playing a game with like 30 other people on the ice.

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i was orignally born here and i learned to skate on a frozen over baseball field that they would freeze over in the winter

now i live in woodbury outside of st paul and my neighboorhood has an olympic sized rink in the community center area so i cant wait until this winter to skate on it

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hey tjl_48, where do you live? just wondering cause my adopted hometown is Dryden, ON and I always drive through the northern part of MN for Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, spring break etc. And what's awesome is that for all three breaks I can play outdoor hockey on any one of a number of rinks (the Chris Pronger one, Milestone Park, is best for having a lotta people come out) and it's such a blast to play all day and night, and then go play with my buddies at the indoor rinks.

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I live in East Grand Forks. I'll also be in Roseau quite a bit this winter to. I love playing outside. It's challenging playing against all those people. Not very many of them are really good, but you have to think fast when people are coming from everywhere. Where do you drive thru on your way?

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Eden Prairie MN here.. Lived in Bloomington before and remember playing games at the Ice Garden and outdoors in the parks. All the city parks here in the burbs seem to have ice rinks in winter.

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yeah i just moved here (minnesota) from ohio and ive already played in a couple games and its deffinetly different than ohio but i love it

How is it different than Ohio??

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yeah i just moved here (minnesota) from ohio and ive already played in a couple games and its deffinetly different than ohio but i love it

How is it different than Ohio??

the game has a much faster pace, theres not alot of pushing and shoving after the whistle,the kids here are more talented than in ohio, and there is a little more hitting too

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probably just due to the sheer numbers of kids participating in hockey compared to Ohio. Always viewed Ohio as a big HS football state.

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I drive through Duluth and then straight to International Falls. I think the route is US53.

But yeah, in Dryden there are always a lot of people and I wouldn't say that "not many of them are really good." Usually we get some Junior A players out, and over Christmas break all us college players come back north, plus you have the high school players and the kids from Notre Dame who come home for Christmas. It can get really competetive. But when the kids are around we don't do much contact. After 10PM usualy it gets a little rougher.

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My brother lives in Virginia Minnesota. I have some friends up there that we play with. It is like an hour from Duluth. We do get better games there than I do at home. Lots of fun at the outdoor rinks.

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Yeah I would consider Virgina VERY southern. It's still a good 6 hours south of Dryden. And I don't think they get as much skating season as we do.

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Yeah. Virginia is pretty southern. I did play against Miskanen though. He was drafted in the top ten this year. He was really, really good. I live in East Grand Forks and that is northern. We are like an hour from the border. Where is Dryden. The arrowhead of MN?

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Dryden is one of 2 cities in Ontario north of you. Kenora is not far from the Mannitoba border, Dryden is about 3 hours North of International Falls, pretty much a long ways from Thunder Bay and Winnipeg and anywhere else.

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My brother lives in Virginia Minnesota. I have some friends up there that we play with. It is like an hour from Duluth. We do get better games there than I do at home. Lots of fun at the outdoor rinks.

Ahh the home of the Hanson (Carlson) bros. Virginia to me is a pretty rough town along with other towns up in the Iron Range...Some pretty good hockey players have come out of there in the past though, but not quite like in the 20s-80s. What gives? Population loss due to the mines closing?

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That is really far north. Virginia and those towns are pretty rough sometimes. I'm glad I don't live there. I think some of the times not to many come out of there is because the all get recruited to the private schools in the cities at a young age. And the outdoor seasons haven't been as long lately. Maybe the mines had some affect but they have been opening up again lately. Maybe a good flow of good players will start coming again.

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