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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Red Wings equipment sale

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I am awaiting an email from Olympia saying when it will be. They will have one, but no date has been set as of yet.

Are you a member of Red Wings World? They sent me an email for the December sale but I didn't see that until after the sale happened. I went on the RWW forum and saw that the summer sale last time was late June-early July. I'll post as soon as I hear something.

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anybody ever go to a wings one before? i was just wonderin what kind of deals they have, because it seems like most of their stuff is sold in the hockeytown authentics store

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Unless they've changed it, the sale is in the area outside of the Olympia Club on the lower level of Joe Louis. They had many pairs of skates, mostly Easton Air's from Yzerman, Datsyuk, etc. from what I remember. It looked like they emptied their enormus stick room into the sale. I didn't get into the sale until at least an hour after it started, and they still had a ton of new sticks. Apparently, Fedorov hadn't taken any of his Inno 1100 shafts with him, because there were at least 20 of them going for $50 or so a piece. I bought 3 brand new Schneider XN-10's for $50 a pop, and I had to resist the ease of spending over $300 on sticks. I don't remember the stock on pants, I think they had some. They also had a brand new set of Cujo's pads for $800, and Hull's custom 704's for $250, I think.

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oh wow, yeah i really want to know when the sale is now...i didn't think anything could beat the U of M one but the wings one sounds even better

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anybody hear anything about the wings sale yet?

and yea, the u of m sale was april 15th...if ur gunna go next year make sure to get there EARLY, the line wrapped around the building

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Got a reply yesterday, its this saturday, but its mostly jerseys and autographed stuff. Some of the prices are crazy. They sent me a list of what is going to be there, its like 15 pages long and 14 of those are jerseys and pucks. Some of the prices are crazy. A playoff Yzerman jersey is $15,000. And that isnt a typo.

They have skates gloves and sticks there too, didnt look like too much that was any good, all used sticks and skates, though the prices were good on the crappy players, like maltby, franzen, lilja, and cleary. Skates were cheap too.

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Wierd, the sale is usually advertised. I've been looking and haven't found a thing. Did you call Authentics? They've faxed me huge equipment/jersey lists before, very similar to the one you described. What time is it at?

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Wierd, the sale is usually advertised. I've been looking and haven't found a thing. Did you call Authentics? They've faxed me huge equipment/jersey lists before, very similar to the one you described. What time is it at?

yea....if anyoonegoes can you pick me up a franzen xxx lite maybe 2 if you can get them.... how much you think that a franzen xxx lite would cost?

pm me if you can do this for me


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Wierd, the sale is usually advertised. I've been looking and haven't found a thing. Did you call Authentics? They've faxed me huge equipment/jersey lists before, very similar to the one you described. What time is it at?

yea....if anyoonegoes can you pick me up a franzen xxx lite maybe 2 if you can get them.... how much you think that a franzen xxx lite would cost?

pm me if you can do this for me


I remember seeing a few Franzen ST's in great shape for about $60 at JLA, so possibly around that price. Not 100% sure though.

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Wierd, the sale is usually advertised. I've been looking and haven't found a thing. Did you call Authentics? They've faxed me huge equipment/jersey lists before, very similar to the one you described. What time is it at?

yea....if anyoonegoes can you pick me up a franzen xxx lite maybe 2 if you can get them.... how much you think that a franzen xxx lite would cost?

pm me if you can do this for me


I remember seeing a few Franzen ST's in great shape for about $60 at JLA, so possibly around that price. Not 100% sure though.

oh really!... do you live near there? pick me up a couple of them... let me know

thanks im looking for a franzen stick(2) let me know if your going and can pick me up acouple...

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