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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 8K Skates

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Has anyone had any experince with these skates? I need new skates and really liked how these fit in the store. has anyone had any problems with them durability wise or preformance wise? i searched every different combination of RBK 8K and came up with nothing.

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look up the review forum

edit: nevermind lol, I hadnt read your post entirely before posting :D

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In the past I was unable to skate in CCM tacks but tried these out and had no issues skating in them (I typically wear bauer but can also skate in mission, easton). Only problem I had was with fit (too wide in the heel). I sold them and bought a pair of 9ks thinking that the pump would make up the difference in the heel but for some reason I skated in the 9k as if it was a tack all over again (never could figure out why). My feet pronate in tacks and they pronated in the 9k but never in the 8k????????? Anyways, durability wise the skate was fine. I did break the lace lock but it is easily replaceable and the replacement never broke. I would recommend these skates if they feel good in the store. I wish that I had kept mine instead of trying the 9k and just gotten thicker socks or something. Good luck!

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Has anyone had any experince with these skates? I need new skates and really liked how these fit in the store. has anyone had any problems with them durability wise or preformance wise? i searched every different combination of RBK 8K and came up with nothing.

RBK 8K reviews

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These skates are good, something along the vector pro's line, they are going for cheap now, 8ks 299 and 7ks 249. I heard the 7k is abit narrower. If they fit you well, just get em bro.

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I wore the 8k's this year, it was pretty much my first time not using bauer, and I loved them. They are a wide skate but they suited me well because I have wide feet, and I don't know if it's just me but I loved the blades on them, I got them shrpened twice aside from the original sharpening (but maybe I just really like dull skates :P). These are an overall good skate, they aren't light like vapor XXX but they are more comfortable IMO and more durable.

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We need more reviews from MSH members for skates. PLEASE! ^_^

I would reveiw things but i don't think i would be very good at it and i dont wanna give a review that wouldn't be 100% right and persuade sombody that a product isnt or is good when it is the opposite

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We need more reviews from MSH members for skates.  PLEASE! ^_^

I would reveiw things but i don't think i would be very good at it and i dont wanna give a review that wouldn't be 100% right and persuade sombody that a product isnt or is good when it is the opposite

lol i dont blame you

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i wouldnt get the pump skates. to much money for something that wouldnt really increase preformance that much. is the boot really stiff tho? i dont remember from when i was trying them on.

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I love these skates! Getting new skates in a few months since I am outgrowing these skates as of now, but loved them! Basically the same skate as the CCM Vector Pro's, which I had before th 8k's!

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Very similar but actually the Vector Pro boot is slightly lighter than the 8K. Remember someone posting the weight of most high end boots (at the time) in some thread around here.

Also the Vectors are a tiny bit narrower in the mid-section (PP). Compared to the 8K, while the 8K's have better protection.

PP from skateing in them both, absolutly love the Vector's.

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