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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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weight has sick skates!

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I see he has CCM holders in some of the pics and black Tuuk holders in others??

having watched weight since he came here, to carolina, ive never seen him in anything but black tuuks.

went from RBK 8K with black tuuks to the 9k with black tuuks over the olympics... been using 9k since.

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a number of pros when watching videos of them skating said it made them look slower also durability

black holders make you 'look' slower?

I think the black on black skates are whack....give me 8090's or XXX's with white tuuks any day over those.

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Weight was wearing the One90 in practice today. no black tuuk holder... that probably would look pretty sick though.

Wow, that's pretty weird.. I can't see Weight in those for some reason. Does anyone have any pics?

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Well considering he's using them in practice doesn't mean he will use them come game time.

I love the white felt tounge though.

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I've heard they weren't as durable

Color can make a difference in the manufacturing process. Some plastic resins do not just mesh very well with certain colors leading to a weakness in the structure.

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he's also wearing warrior gloves too now, ditching the eagles

he alternates between teh kingpin and CP94 (i think thats the model)... even during games.

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weight must have read this thread, because at practice today he had a pair of spray painted holders. they didnt look as cool as i expected them to, but they were rather stylish.

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i should have a pic of them close up in the near future. but they are infact the LS2power holder spraypainted black.

As far as i know they dont make a black holder other than the custom+

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damn, thats an awesome pic. I had a friend take a close up zoom shot of em since i figured someone would want to inspect the tounge and the holders a bit closer. Seems as though the tounge isnt the normal tounge, its just felt with a piece of vinyl over top of it.

so im not sure if this is a modification Wally (the equipment manager) made or if this was how NBH made the tounge for him.

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Kinda hate to be OT here, but does anyone know what skates F. Kaberle is using now? I remember he used to use old tacks with tuuks.

Also, if you wanna see better pics of Weight's one90s with the black LS, go to www.hurricanes.com and look at the gallery from game one, and it's one of the last few photos.

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