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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Perfect stick comparison

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Exactly why I said it is still around. When I said "death of betamax" I was referring to the betamax at the mass distribution level. Not niche markets like TV. It has more of a cult following more than anything else. Just like there are still people that do music recording on tape.

But it's all being taken over by the big digital monster! Analog is no more.

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Fun Fact: Dolomite = 4 year old technology, CNT = brand new technology.

wasn't CNT released with the 2005 SL's, which would make it 2 year old technology? :unsure:


anyway, still newer than the Dolomite/Inno based stick ;)

j8Zt8r, did you get this stick on ebay?

Zubov Dolomite

Yup, that was me. I had to have it. How often can you get the same stick in 2 different brands. I had a Zubov Stealth a year or so ago and it was my perfect pattern. Funny part is that the stick arrived and it was the exact length as what i cut my stick too. Now if only I could play like him.

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It's just a nice pattern with a low lie that'd you'd never see in retail.

I'm using Zubovs too (SL Grips), and probably won't ever switch off the pattern again providing I can keep a blade intact enough to have duplicates made when the sticks start to go.

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Its a nice curve thats for sure. But I think I am going to custom route with mine, Im tired of having to pay premiums to get the few that I have, instead, Ill just get the pattern made, save myself the time and money.


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Take a Modano, open it up a little, lengthen the blade, and lower the lie. I compared it by eye to a P106, and the Zubov has less curve and is less open. There's pictures in this thread.

I agree about the cost. I don't think I'll buy another any time soon with the exception of a Dolomite if I can manage it at a reasonable price (I know what I'd pay for the Stealth, and I'm not doing that). That's why I hope I can keep an intact blade. Hacksaw it off and use it to get custom tapered blades made.

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If anyone is getting custom zubov blades let me know, I would be down with getting in on the order to taking a few off your hands.

I've had the chance to use 2 pro return zubov's and its still the bet curve I've ever used.

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That Zubov curve looks sorta like the Lidstrom I got on my Nitro(called Stuey). Would that be a god comparison?

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I see #56 written on the handle, I hope you left Zubov's original handle tape on. maybe it would bring you good luck ?

I took the tape off and put on what I like. I like that Warrior just put a little stamp at the top that says players choice or club, I don't remember now. It did look cool though.

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That Zubov curve looks sorta like the Lidstrom I got on my Nitro(called Stuey). Would that be a god comparison?

I don't think there's as much curve or loft on the curve as there is on a Lidstrom.

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That Zubov curve looks sorta like the Lidstrom I got on my Nitro(called Stuey). Would that be a god comparison?

I don't think there's as much curve or loft on the curve as there is on a Lidstrom.

I use a lidstrom, and use Zubov's whenever I get a chance. Lidstrom is a bigger blade, more open, higher lie. Zubov is a thin blade that I would describe like an iginla, but open more, and flatten the curve out a bit.....look at the pictures posted in this thread, youll get a good idea there.


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the new Stealth CNT is different from the past technology. I'm one of the CNT stealth lovers lately. The stick is all around the best stick i've had. It is a bit blade heavy but has a great feel for the puck when stickhandling. I can handle it very quickly and it has a very quick release on it. I really can't say anything bad about it aside from the grip peeling.

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Well I have gotten to use the Dolomite a couple times now. It is an excellent stick and makes you feel very confident banging at the puck in front of the net. After getting it on the ice, it is noticably stiffer than the CNT so it took a little getting used to. I used the Dolomite more in each game to get the feel for it. Stick handling is pretty much the same with each stick. I am definately more comfortable shooting with the CNT. This may just be due to using it a lot more.

All in all, so far I prefer the Easton. This may just be a mental thing though as I have used them for years.

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just use them a few more times and tell us what you think. i know when i used my adrenaline at first it seemed no different then my synergy. over a few games i really started to notice how it cushioned the puck. the stick has been better each game IMO. I guess after a few games you'll know the pros and cons of both.

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It will definately take awhile to get the full impression for a full comparison. I knew I would be partial to the CNT just because I always use Easton and am comfortable with them. The surprising part for me was that it was not as lopsided as I had expected. The Warrior is definately one hell of a stick IMO. I felt very comfortable with it the first shift using it. And very confident with it in front of the net.

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