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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Sean Avery Topic

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that article was funny he sure speaks his mind and just lets it come out. im sure a few guys dont like him after that article

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Our culture is weird. The down and outs and the superstars all drown their pain in some kind of substance.

Maybe I should be glad I'm probably not going to the NHL.

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Our culture is weird. The down and outs and the superstars all drown their pain in some kind of substance.

Maybe I should be glad I'm probably not going to the NHL.

probably? buddy you wouldn't want to be in the show? have you never played competitive hockey where you have been the rookie? sorry to piss on your parade, but the NHL isnt flowers and angels, its guys living the lifestyle of jr hockey players until theyre 35. hockey players are the worst role models, i know some nhlers, and i wouldnt call them role models.

go back to listening to dido and eating thai food new ager, or else open your eyes.

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