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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1100 skates

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These are great fitting skates. Tried them on before I bought my 900's ( the next skate down). The only thing you need to know is they are extremely stiff skates so you need to like stiff skates and be ready for a long break in period. Durability is no problem with these babies, their almost bullet proof. Easton skates are extremely funny skates. In most cases you either love them or dispise them. There is very little in between. I find the fit phenominal in the Synergy line. ( unlike their Ultra Light Pro, Air and Z-Air line) The only reason I didn't buy the 1100 was they where $499.00 CDN at Sports Chek as opposed to the 900 which where on for $299.00 CDN. The 1100's where just a little too expensive for my liking and the 900's where a perfect price and still a high end skate. In a lot of cases if you like a CCM/Reebok fit you'll find the Easton fit very close, the only difference being a slightly narrower toe box, but you can easily adjust to that. They are also among the lightest skates on the market and very sharp in appearance. The Razor Bladz II are a reasonably decent holder and blade however some have complained the perforated blade breaks too easily. Personally I haven't had any problems with mine even after taking a few shots off of them. I'd say these are a great bang for the buck at that price.

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They would be for a 9 year old. They seem to fit him well.

If it fits.. then get them. Thats the key to a good skate. I would rather have a pricepoint bauer skate that fit me than a One90 that was a half size too big.

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Dave - only problem I see with the 1100 is that it doesn't really have all the bells and whistles of a high-end junior skate. I'm not saying that it is necessary to have all that, but just making you aware.

It's not a very stiff boot either.

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