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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton hoodie

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does anyone who works in or owns a shop have any of the blank easton hockey sweatshirts with the hockey lace tie down. im looking for a blank black or navy one. or does anyone know where i can get one i cant find any.


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Define "blank." The only one that has the hockey lace has "Easton Hockey" embroidered. The old one with the smaller logo is not available anymore.

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ya the new one one but that doesnt have easton hockey written on it . it just has easton sports on the pocket. they are not in the easton catalog but the rep said they were available.

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ya its not in there but when the easton rep was at the store he said you can get them with nothing on it so you can put whatever you want on them. i dont know if they were booking only things. and i just want one and would be cheaper if i can find someone with them. i have a gophers easton hockey sweatshirt which is like them ones withe the hockey lace on it.

they make black, navy and grey with nothing on them

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no the plain one like that it just doesnt have e hockey on it. there is nothing at al on it just hockey lace and says easton on the pocket

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The Hockey Hoody Blank is available as a team/association purchase for customization by travel teams, etc. I don't think it is available as a single piece product. Easton is looking for booking order quantities from dealers for this product.

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Just for clarification, is this what youre talking about?


i have that. but then one day somebody put mustard in the hood. disgusting. anyway it came out, and i still have it. ended up throwing yogurt at the kid, which exploded. had to clean it up, but it was worth it.

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Just for clarification, is this what youre talking about?


i have that. but then one day somebody put mustard in the hood. disgusting. anyway it came out, and i still have it. ended up throwing yogurt at the kid, which exploded. had to clean it up, but it was worth it.


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