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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Problem choice for skates

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Out of the two, which would be the better option? The Vector Pro is cheaper but there'll be the CCM June promotion where you get a Vector 10.0 stick free with the skates.

Just so you know, this skate isn't for my benefit. I already have a pair of Vector Pro's. My friend is aspiring to be a hockey player and right now, skates in Externo E40s. He doesn't have a stick so the Vector 10.0 skate would be a better choice but he also doesn't wanna spend large amounts on a skate. Anyone able to help me out?

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He's been skating for years. He's a very good skater. The stiffness from his Externo's kinda has worn down a bit and the outsole's starting to crack. He likes CCM so I think he'll cope with the stiffness a-ok.

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Does he want to spend the least amount of money possible, or get the best value. For the least money you could get the Pros($269) and a close-out OPS($80-$90). For value the 10.0 will get him a $200 stick. The question is does he really need a top of the line composite stick. Does he even like CCM sticks? Personally I would just buy the pros and then find a good deal on a stick.

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