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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flat Feet and Skates

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I did some searching around and didn't really find anything that seemed to fit in with what I was looking for.

I've always had problems skating dure to extraordinarily flat feet. So flat that when I walk my right foot turns out slightly. I don't have any issues with my left skate at all, it always feels comfortable, but my right has never, every once and awhile I'll get it to feel good and I'll skate and play great, but alot of the time it great inhibits my skating because I'm primarily skating on my inside edge, because my skate is going out.

I'm wearing ankle braces that wrap around my arches and pull them up, they help greatly, but its just not quite enough, I'm still having trouble and a lot of pain, I just don't know what to do. I'm wearing a CCM EXterno E-50 size 8.5, should I look to an insert, get my skates sharpened a different way, custom skates or anything... I just need help, because I love the game, I'm only 22 and just started playing at 20, so its important, espicially in the league I play in, its super competitive....

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Buy something that will mold to your sole. Like a Kor Shift 1.

Also, the Bauer One90 does this, but I don't have any experience with the One90. My reccomendation would be the Shift1

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i'm on the same boat as you where i have SUPER flat feet. there is like no arch to it when i stand on my feet. i have ordered the kor shift1 skates that should be coming in anyday now so i'll let you know how they are when i get them heat molded. as of right now i have to use the sandwich trick with my skate soles where i cut up the middle part of a insole and leave only the front and back inside the boot and then put another layer of insole over top. that will flatten out the arch a bit by lifting the front and back of the boot.

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I have quite flat feet, and found that the easton synergy 1300c's were even flatter, causeing discomfort because of that, my feet adjested and now i've gone to graf 735s and having discomfort cause the arch is too high!

Anyway, yeah if the synergy boot fots, that could be a good shot, i can't speak for one90's or shift 1's.

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I did some searching around and didn't really find anything that seemed to fit in with what I was looking for.

I've always had problems skating dure to extraordinarily flat feet. So flat that when I walk my right foot turns out slightly. I don't have any issues with my left skate at all, it always feels comfortable, but my right has never, every once and awhile I'll get it to feel good and I'll skate and play great, but alot of the time it great inhibits my skating because I'm primarily skating on my inside edge, because my skate is going out.

I'm wearing ankle braces that wrap around my arches and pull them up, they help greatly, but its just not quite enough, I'm still having trouble and a lot of pain, I just don't know what to do. I'm wearing a CCM EXterno E-50 size 8.5, should I look to an insert, get my skates sharpened a different way, custom skates or anything... I just need help, because I love the game, I'm only 22 and just started playing at 20, so its important, espicially in the league I play in, its super competitive....

Superfeet insoles, check this out.

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try getting a pair of Bauer 8090's in ee width, and if that doesn't work. Then i heard you can order missions in a wide width as well, but I've never seen them. But missions tend to be flat.

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If you can afford them...custom orthotics are the best way to go...in your skates and in your shoes. Make sure you work with a podiatrist who has done skates before cuz it is a different fit.

If you can't or don't want the expense...superfeet are great....and were cleared by my podiatrist. He was amazed at such a great product over the counter.

It's very hard to get an edge if your feet are already turned inside your skate.

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Thanks for the help guys.... I'm still really open to suggestions....

Yes my doctor who specializes in sports medicine but me in the ankle braces as an alternative to custom orthodics at first, I've had them done in the past for my shoes. I'm going to try superfeet, just ordered a pair and we'll see how they work before I make the investment into new skates or custom orthodics.

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try getting a pair of Bauer 8090's in ee width, and if that doesn't work. Then i heard you can order missions in a wide width as well, but I've never seen them. But missions tend to be flat.

trust me missions are not flat skates by any means... :(

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The Missions are "flatter" but not flat. People with truly flat feet usually can't get a good fit...People with a lower arch often love them.

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i guess missions may fit "flat" feet people but i guess i have worse then flat feet... i have duck feet they are so flat.

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LOL my feet are just as flat as that. I still experienced some pain in the missions but it was a great improvement over my V-12s and Grafs. I get arch pain in every skate though.

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Thanks for the help guys.... I'm still really open to suggestions....

Yes my doctor who specializes in sports medicine but me in the ankle braces as an alternative to custom orthodics at first, I've had them done in the past for my shoes. I'm going to try superfeet, just ordered a pair and we'll see how they work before I make the investment into new skates or custom orthodics.

Please let us know if the Superfeet insoles helps, as they are supposed to do, good luck!

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I have superflat feet too and I was very comfortable in graf 709 wides, they finally broke down and I got a pair of bauer 8090's and I hate them, even with inserts the arch is so high in the boot it's very uncomfortable.

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My feet are ducky feet like shute's and I've skated in both Mission PureFly and Graf 609. The Missions felt fine a couple years ago, but after skating in Grafs for the past two years, going back to Mission hurt my feet. I think the 609 is wider in the arch area relative to my foot so it doesn't force my "arch" into a shape it's not happy with.

Louie: My left foot is smaller than my right where my left skate never fits as snug as my right, though I don't believe it's as extreme as what you're going through. Maybe you need a different size/width for your right skate, or something to add more volume to your skate to fill up the boot better. Good luck...

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i have the purefly myself right now but it doesn't work for me without my insole adjustments. i have kor shift1 ordered and should be getting them anyday now and i think they will do the trick. i just got this reply from kor themselfs. i'll let everyone know when i get them in person and molded to my feet. that should be the answer to anyone with any arch problems from here on.

Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, the base will flatten out in the arch area.

In the fit guide it explains how you can use the blue arch supports during the molding process to help push out any problem area’s.

Thanks again for your interest in Kor Hockey.

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I got the inserts on Saturday and have them in my skates, I have a game Tuesday evening so I intend to give them the full test then, but I did walk around in the house with them on and it does seem better.

My problem is that my arch is so flat that it causes my knees to turn in, more noticebly my right knee.... Ugh... I hate being flat footed.... lol

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alright guys i finally got my Kor skates in. when i first put my foot in i noticed right away that it was alread much flatter then most other skates and after molding them i noticed that it has molded to my duck feet and was perfect. i now have no arch pains what so ever in skates which is the first in over 15 years in ice skates and roller skates! :D i've included two pics below to try and show you guys what my skates looked like after molding. in the first pic you can see the arch part of the skate and even though it looks like there is an arch it is completely flat on the inside. in fact the arch part was much higher before the molding so that skate has adjusted to my duck feet. i've also took a pic of the inside of the boot to show you guys how flat it is and as you can see on the left hand side there isn't that usual bump where the arch should be. overall i can say that these kor's are the answer to everyone who has always had arch problems and are "duck" feet approved! B)



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Well I skated in my first game with the inserts and no luck... at first they were causing a ton of pain, but it seemed to go away... I was still skating on that inside edge on my right foot. I don't know what to do...

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I got the inserts on Saturday and have them in my skates, I have a game Tuesday evening so I intend to give them the full test then, but I did walk around in the house with them on and it does seem better.

My problem is that my arch is so flat that it causes my knees to turn in, more noticebly my right knee.... Ugh... I hate being flat footed.... lol

While your arches may be contributing to this as well, this is commonly due to a muscle imbalance in your leg. Some unilateral work may be in order such as step ups, one-legged squats, and lunges.

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Do you know of a website that might have these excercises or could you provide some further explanation?

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