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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I havent played roller hockey for quite some time, but my high school spring league just ended and will not start back up until August, so i am looking to start playing some roller over summer. I need some advice on which chassis i should purchase to throw on my XXs. Im not looking for super expensive ones, but i also do not want low end chassis. If it matters, i am 6'0, 180. So based on all of this, what do you think would be best for me? Thanks.

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So i guess you are looking for a more traditional high-low from your discription. Hockeymonkey has a good selection on their website.

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If you're lookign for a Hi-Lo, I'd go with one of the less expensive Red-Stars... the E-Frame I think it's called. I just got one and it's plenty light, and has a very solid feel. It's also relatively neutral pitched so it should feel similiar to the Tuuks on your XX's. It's only $50 as well.

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A mission penetrator is a good reliable chassis, i had my old mission skates for about 3 years and the chassis is still in good condition.

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A mission penetrator is a good reliable chassis, i had my old mission skates for about 3 years and the chassis is still in good condition.

I used that for a year or so. Heavy, but seems to hold up pretty well.

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I'm not sure if you can buy a Penetrator without the skates attatched but the Generator (which is a step up if I remember correctly) is also available on Monkey for $50. Either way, I used a generator for the last 4 years or so and just switched to the Red Star. They're both solid chassis but the Missions have a rockered front wheel and about a 3mm heel lift over the Red Star for a more pronounced forward pitch. Personally, I think I'm a better skater on the slightly flatter chassis and wished I would have made the switch sooner. Realistically, for the $$ you can't go wrong with either. One thing to also consider is that the Red Star takes up a larger footprint then the Mission so if the outsole is narrow, especially in the heel, it might not fit properly on your boot.

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I agree with Steve, and say get the Rocker chassis. If you are not going to be playing Roller exclusively, and instead are looking at it as a filler between ice seasons, then the Rocker is your best choice. The rocker will allow you to skate all summer while barely altering your stride for when ice starts back up in August. There is no question the Rocker mimics an ice blade better than Hi-Los, and allows you to keep your natural ice hockey stride.

You can get the Rocker chassis at HockeyGiant right now for 39.00, so that also makes it attractive.

Good Luck,


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I like Mission Penetrators and Generators...1800faceoff has both for 49.95.

Hockeymonkey has the generator for 49.99.

I also like the Labeda Sensor...it takes a 76mm wheel on the toe. Current price at hockeymonkey is 129.00.

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I'd suggest the REdStar e-frame too. I've had mine for near 6 years now. I've bought new skates, tried different chassis but always had to swap back cos I just loved everything they offered. Lightweight, very durable, easy maintainence, and can change wheels in 2 minutes per skate which is pretty handy.

I'd be interested to try the Alloy, but if you can get the E-frames for a good price, you'll be getting a very good investment.

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i bought the Generator chassis off of monkey about this time last year & it has held up & performed great. As far as roller goes...I've always had a problem with the axles coming loose during games & such (the original generator axles screwed straight into the other side)...this is a very common setup, however, the NEWER generator chassis (which i have, and is $50 at monkey) have those "locking axles" where one side is square shaped & actually settles into the chassis so that it CAN'T turn...thus causing your axles to come loose in the middle of a game. I'm 6' 3", 240lbs...so maybe that was my problem before... :lol:

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For a budget frame, I think the e-frame is your best bet. I have a couple friends that have it, and they love it. I have seen mostly mixed reviews on the mission frames. As far as axles coming loosing, haveing the one sided axle system where it locks into the chassis helps. I have the sensor, and the axles havn't come loose once yet during a game. I'm 6-0 about 250 as well, so I'm pretty tough on them.

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