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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guy Incognito

Mission Intake

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I just bought a Mission Intake, but it seems too shallow for my head. I was thinking of putting it on the trading block for a RBK 8K, which seems to have more depth. However, I thought I'd take a shot in the dark to see if there is an adjustment feature I am missing on the Intake. Or even if the Intake will change as it breaks in.

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if your using a helmet that may not fit well in a contact sport such as hockey, i wouldnt take a shot in the dark because if it doesnt fit right it may put your head at risk for injury. i guess if you went to some stick times and break it in there is no risk. IMO, if you dont like the fit, trade it or sell it before you use it so you can get all your money back to buy something else.

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Mnitishin is right. If you don't like the fit get rid of it because your just kidding yourself it you think you can wear it in. Don't sacrifice protection for anything.

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Kinda what you get for buying online :)

lets not start this again, there's been way too many of these in the past, the guy's just askin for advice

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Question about fit why does Pronger's RBK look like a "lid" (lotsa room widethwise) whereas other guys have new RBKs that look much closed to the head. Did he put some pads in there to made it snug, but keep the skeleton away from his head?

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Kinda what you get for buying online :)

id rather buy online then drive 90 minutes to a hockey store!

I'd rather drive 90 minutes to get something that FITS PROPERLY instead of having the hassle of shipping and returning etc...

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Kinda what you get for buying online :)

id rather buy online then drive 90 minutes to a hockey store!

I'd rather drive 90 minutes to get something that FITS PROPERLY instead of having the hassle of shipping and returning etc...

good call did you notice the size of smyths knob...(hockey stick) lol its a whole tape roll..

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They are pro's, they can get the helment molded to their heads.

LOL that's funny

yeah i know, only thing pros get custom for helmets is padding

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