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Questions about TPS gloves

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Hi guys,

I've been looking at buying new gloves, and for the most part I liked the TPS HGT2 glove, but I have two problems with it: its too short, and there is a wierd pressure in the thumb area. So, I have two questions:

1. Can custom TPS gloves be ordered in 15", or can I send them a scan of my hand to get the length right?

2. Is there anything that can be done to get rid of the over-padding in the thumb area? Does anyone else notice this in their TPS gloves?

I tried looking on TPS' website, but they had no info about custom work, and I'm not quite ready yet to talk to my LHS about the customizing process. Thanks for any help you can give.


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I'm not quite ready yet to talk to my LHS about the customizing process.

They're the people you should talk to. Each dealer is different i assume so you'd have to talk to them about what you want done. I'm sure you can also get 15 inch. You also need to get 2 pairs of the SAME gloves, if your willing to spend that kind of money.

I've used TPS last season for HS and i liked that extra padding near the thumb. But since they're custom to YOUR liking, im sure they can reduce that for you.

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You also need to get 2 pairs of the SAME gloves, if your willing to spend that kind of money.

As mentioned here.

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Not custom, but I went from TPS to CCM Vector, because of the same issue with the thumb, and could not be happier, loving vector for comfort, length and protection (I don't play high level so are perfect for me)

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i just got the hgt's, and i have the exact same problem with the thumbs. im thinking about getting some new goves,but i cant afford it, so i guess im gonna have to get used to it.

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which part of the thumb are you guys talking about? the hgt's have that removable thumb lock thing, maybe remove that and it will help? I have the gloves but don't have a problem at all with the thumbs

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which part of the thumb are you guys talking about? the hgt's have that removable thumb lock thing, maybe remove that and it will help? I have the gloves but don't have a problem at all with the thumbs

Do you know how to remove it? Is it permanent or is it something I can do in-store to try and see how it feels?

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to remove it, you just simply pull it out, and then slide it back in if you want it back in.

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which part of the thumb are you guys talking about?  the hgt's have that removable thumb lock thing, maybe remove that and it will help?  I have the gloves but don't have a problem at all with the thumbs

Do you know how to remove it? Is it permanent or is it something I can do in-store to try and see how it feels?

You can remove it, but that didn't solve the problem for me. It gives you more flexibility in the thumb, but my issue was the length of the actual thumb. The fingers fit fine, but the thumb itself was a little short, as if where the thumb meets the palm was just a little off, which makes your hand feel like the glove is not natural feeling.

I got the vectors because of this, and they honestly feel like a part of my hand.

If you are having issues, it could be like skates, some brands are just not suited for you.

Couple of things I noticed when I was changing gloves. I tried on the XXX they were a great feeling glove, but I only tried them on because they were the new hotness, not in my range for my level. If you are thinking customized, try them.

The sherwoods I tried on fit very very big on my hand, and the vectors fit perfectly.

Also, Missions I felt ok in, but was fairly tight on my hand.

Hope you get sorted though

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