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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Exchange it.. We have a guy that plays drop in with us that wears a painted helmet.. its annoying as hell when it chips and you skate over the chips.. hurt like hell falling on on your face.

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Not only will it void the warranty and chip and look like a hose job


The solvents used in regular enamel or laquer based paints will attack and degrade ANY synthetic product to a degree. Without knowing the exact platic used it is impossible to assess the extent of degredation. Plus you wouldnt be able to tell most likely until the product fails.

I could never understand people painting skates, gloves etc. Just get the right colors to start with

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You wouldn't be able to use it in any USAH sanctioned hockey games.

I did two years ago for my first year of travel. Went half the season with my helmet looking like a cow, and never had anything said to me by refs.

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You wouldn't be able to use it in any USAH sanctioned hockey games.

I did two years ago for my first year of travel. Went half the season with my helmet looking like a cow, and never had anything said to me by refs.

but if you were injured during the game and had to file a claim against USAH for the player's insurance they would reject the claim.

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You wouldn't be able to use it in any USAH sanctioned hockey games.

I did two years ago for my first year of travel. Went half the season with my helmet looking like a cow, and never had anything said to me by refs.

The fact that some refs don't bother to enforce rules isn't really a good reason to do something

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I didn't know about the rule until I came here. I got a new helmet at Christmas time, though. So I didn't take the chance anymore.

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