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Easton Stealth shins

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I just got the new Great Skate cataloug and saw the NEW Easton Stealth SGS9 or 8? shin guards and wanted to know if anyone has tryed them on yet and what your thoughts are about them. They look cool as hell. Btw, what is sling tec?

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Sling tec is the internal set up of the pad. Easton describes it as a "hammock" that is designed to keep your shin away from direct impact. I haven't used that pads, so I do't know if the system actually works

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only feedback i have from easton pads with the sling tec is that teh plastic on the front tends to break very quickly atleast from what i've seen with about 7 or 8 people i know who have these pads.

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only feedback i have from easton pads with the sling tec is that teh plastic on the front tends to break very quickly atleast from what i've seen with about 7 or 8 people i know who have these pads.

Not good thanks for the info. I'll stick with my Jofa/RBK's for now.

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When i 1st saw the S9 shinpads..it didnt look much diff if compared to other Stealth shinpad(has the cheap looks)...it doesnt really look protective..bare in mind that this is my PP.

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I have the S9 shins and they're just awesome. It has that knee lock in it and it really works well. Great protection in the calfs as well as the knee and shin. Bio dri liner in the shin also and plenty light. The plastic is different on the s9s then the s7s and down. The mid level ones have the clear plastic...forget what they call it. I've heard of some of those cracking but haven't witnessed it yet. That 'hammock' you called it is actually a good idea. Rather than having the plastic right on top of the cushioning of the pad there is space between it so when you get hit with a puck it is not directly hitting your shin. They're expensive but are worth it imo.

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I've seen about 6 or so pairs of the shins with the clear plastic in various locker rooms and not one of them wasn't cracked.

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I've seen about 6 or so pairs of the shins with the clear plastic in various locker rooms and not one of them wasn't cracked.

Yea, me too. I think it's just as durable as regular plastic.

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Out of all the Pairs of Shin Pads Sold in Australia with the Clear "Invisi Carb" Shell we have had NO returns in the last 12 months.

Inivisi Carb is really a Clear Polycarbonate very similar to the Lexan Material uses on the Itech N18 Neck Guards.

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I have the S9 shins and they're just awesome. It has that knee lock in it and it really works well. Great protection in the calfs as well as the knee and shin. Bio dri liner in the shin also and plenty light. The plastic is different on the s9s then the s7s and down. The mid level ones have the clear plastic...forget what they call it. I've heard of some of those cracking but haven't witnessed it yet. That 'hammock' you called it is actually a good idea. Rather than having the plastic right on top of the cushioning of the pad there is space between it so when you get hit with a puck it is not directly hitting your shin. They're expensive but are worth it imo.

This is great feedback. Thanks, I'm just trying to find something different than the same old same old. Not that my RBK's are bad but always looking for better fit and protection if it's out there. How long have you had these and have you blocked many shots with them?

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I have the S9 shins and they're just awesome. It has that knee lock in it and it really works well. Great protection in the calfs as well as the knee and shin. Bio dri liner in the shin also and plenty light. The plastic is different on the s9s then the s7s and down. The mid level ones have the clear plastic...forget what they call it. I've heard of some of those cracking but haven't witnessed it yet. That 'hammock' you called it is actually a good idea. Rather than having the plastic right on top of the cushioning of the pad there is space between it so when you get hit with a puck it is not directly hitting your shin. They're expensive but are worth it imo.

my Rbk 4ks have the 'hammock' thing ur talkin about. its called the fit lite system for rbk i think.

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I have the Easton Synergy 900's (last years model of the Stealth 9's ) They also have the sling tech system and to date haven't had any issues with them. The Easton shins don't seem as solid as my RBK 8's though so I've only used them for pickup and not my league play. The fit on the Eastons is phenominal though and they are no where near as bulky as my RBK's. I am really up in the air on this one because I know Jofa/RBK are supposed to be the best in the industry because it is what all the Pros wear. But I haven't had any problems with the Eastons even after taking some really good slappers off of them and suffering no ill effects. I'd like to get some reliable reviews on the Synergy 900's and that way I could decide whether I would wear them on a continuous basis. My main concern is protection first which is why I hang onto the RBKs. <_<

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I have the S9 shins and they're just awesome. It has that knee lock in it and it really works well. Great protection in the calfs as well as the knee and shin. Bio dri liner in the shin also and plenty light. The plastic is different on the s9s then the s7s and down. The mid level ones have the clear plastic...forget what they call it. I've heard of some of those cracking but haven't witnessed it yet. That 'hammock' you called it is actually a good idea. Rather than having the plastic right on top of the cushioning of the pad there is space between it so when you get hit with a puck it is not directly hitting your shin. They're expensive but are worth it imo.

This is great feedback. Thanks, I'm just trying to find something different than the same old same old. Not that my RBK's are bad but always looking for better fit and protection if it's out there. How long have you had these and have you blocked many shots with them?

Yeah since i've had them i've gotten my share of shots to the shins. I seriously can hardly feel the puck when it hits the pad. I forgot to mention your knee stays nice and deep in the pad which is always nice.

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I toke a shot off my low end Jofas and ended up with a big welt on my lower shin about ayear and a half to two years ago and went out and got the Synergy 900's. I heard the fit was great and they where high end Eastons so they seemed like a decent buy. I've taken at least ten to twelve good slappers off them from a guy in our pickup league that can really let them fly. He also has a lot of weight behind his shot. I haven't felt a thing so far and I've taken them off both the lower shin and knee areas. Both the outside plastic and the sling tech have shown no damage, only the prlnting on the shin is scuffed. What I love about these shins is the fit is deep which means they don't feel bulky and they are light. The concept on these is slightly different from Jofa who seem to stuff tons of padding into their shins and seem to be a wider shin pad as well. When I put on my 8Ks I feel clumsy in them until I adjust to them. With the Synergy's its almost like I'm not wearing anything because of the way they wrap around the contour of my leg.

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