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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My teams slumping, need to bitch!

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1 Month Update...

Our goalie has officially been put out to pasture. I fel bad for the guy as he seems really pissed. But the new guy is pretty darn good. Its to bad im going to miss possibly the last 4 games due to my wedding and honeymoon (Hockey or Cancun!? why cant I do both!).

I expect things to really start looking up now, cant wait to get back out there and start a new season.

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yah that blows

Roosting, (Don't Cocks roost? I'll have to ask my local farmer) you know what else blows? Spamming a board that generally has intelligent discussion no matter what the topic.

I've never tried spamming before - here goes:

Stick your head up your butt.

Stick your head up your butt.

Stick your head up your butt.

Stick your head up your butt.

Stick your head up your butt.

(ad infinitum)...

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Did he perform well before? Goalies are a strange bread (sorry guys but it's true). He may be in a mental slump right now.

How many shots a game is the goalie taking and is he taking alot of shots from good scoring angles? If he is getting pounded like a $10.00 hooker maybe he has lost confidence in his defense.

You talked about getting blown out, that means that your offense is not scoring. He might be thinking what difference does it make if the score is 10-3 or 9-3. He could be thinking why should I kill myself in the net if no one else is trying hard.

Or maybe he justs sucks.

Having been a goaltender in both Beer leagues and Competetive play I will throw a couple things out

1. A goalie is only as good as the team in FRONT of him!

2. Does he have any confidence in the team in FRONT of him?

3. Yes he is the last line of defense but where are the other 5 players on the TEAM-the puck carrier had to get through them to get to him!

If he is getting shellshocked with 40 shot per game its hard to stay upbeat. :rolleyes:

I knew when I got so frustrated in a game that I got into a fight as a goalie that it was time to get out of the net. You pay too much cash to play to be frustrated and not get any enjoyment out of it.

Stroke his ego a bit -try to build him up in his head if you can-

The team talking shit behind his back is wrong though-if that is occuring it is NOT a team and nothing positive will come from it-

Put somebody who is talking shit about him in the pads and let them play a game or two, let them discover that it is hard work and can be a mind f@#k at times.

If you guys have his back no matter what it will build his confidence and game more than 6 shutouts will.

Thats part of being a TEAM

all very true. i have way more fun playing out in beer league..... WAY more fun.

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The only way i score is with a hard 2nd effort on rebounds.

the onlyway i score is when somebody shoots wide.... misses the net..... hits me on the a$$ as i am camped out and it deflects in....... that's some Jagr $h!t right there boys! :D

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