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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any English Majors?

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What's the difference...I'm so frigging confused. I'm to make up 5 analogies about anything from speech class for my final speech...ain't got a clue what I'm doing after she explained the assignment. I thought a similie was an analogy? :blink:

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What's the difference...I'm so frigging confused. I'm to make up 5 analogies about anything from speech class for my final speech...ain't got a clue what I'm doing after she explained the assignment. I thought a similie was an analogy? :blink:

an analogy is like this.

hockey:hockey skates as baseball:baseball cleats

the : stand for is to

simile is u got raped like saturday morning toast (just somethin my friend says)

similies use like or as

btw i just finished grade 8....

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Well teacher says, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get" is an analogy. She then goes and says similies can be in analogies.

So I'm frigging confused. If I was going along with what she said...only analogy so far I can come up for the assignmen is 'Class is like classical music, it always puts me to sleep.'

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The metaphor is similar to the simile , but doesn't say that one thing is like another thing. A metaphor says one thing IS another thing!

For example, in this sentence:

"Bill is a cunning old fox" , we are comparing Bill to a fox and we are saying they are both cunning.

But we are saying that Bill is not just like a fox. He's so cunning, he IS a fox!

Another example of a metaphor is this: "Mary is a sheep, just following everyone else", where we are comparing Mary to a sheep and saying they are similar because they both follow.

But we are saying that Mary is not just like a sheep. She follows others so much, she IS a sheep!

Therefore, this sentence is an example of a metaphor.

A similie uses LIKE or AS. ALWAYS.

My love is like a red, red rose —Robert Burns

Her hair was like gravy, running brown off her head and clumping up on her shoulders.

An analogy is not a grammatical function, but more a literary function.


An analogy is a comparison of certain similarities between things which are otherwise unlike.


Here is an example of an analogy:

A street light is like a star. Both provide light at night, both are in predictable locations, both are overhead, and both serve no function in the daytime.

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OK think that sounds right Ti-Girl.

I wrote down what the teacher said...and she mentioned something about predicting the future or future situation. So the explanation stuff you had behind that similie would do it I think.

Now to think of ones relation to speech class...

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