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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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more curve pictures please!

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has anyone got curve pictures of the RBK amonte P30 and Datsyuk P38.

would be greatly appreciated... can only seem to find the ones one the website.. not very good...

thanks in advance

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download the catalog, i'm pretty sure they have curve layouts there

it wouldnt let me download it.. thanks though!

nice one! anyone sumbel across any more pictures i would grately appreciate it!

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on a side note...i got a 5k Datsyuk blade and mounted it in my 85 flex Z-Bubble tonite. the hosel(?) is about 1/4" shorter than my Z-Carbon Modano and the bit that fits inside the shaft is about 1/4" shorter as well. The blade has made the balance of my stick noticably blade-heavier.

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anyone know what datsyuks pro curve looks like....? from what i have seen it doesnt look tooo far away from his retail..

i may be wrong tho.


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