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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What other sports do you play?

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Right now, softball.

Way back in high school, I ran track. There was also a family bowling league (actual league, against other families) involved for a long time, if that counts... Mostly I was just a lazy kid though.

I never got super serious about any of it though.

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Seriously try it out. The only bad thing that can come of it is that your hockey will suffer cause you'll be addicted to disc golf, and start missing open hockey.

It's like ball golf, but with discs (frisbees sorta) and metal baskets. It's a game in which you get to go out and throw things as hard as you can. It's very casual and cool. People of all classes, styles, and incomes play it. Lots of fun.

And if you're like me, you get obsessed about it, and start going to tournaments where it gets more serious and competitive.

To find courses go to www.pdga.com

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