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High Performance skating for Ice Hockey, the book

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Have been reading and sort of studying this book for the last month, done by the people at Huron Hockey school.

I am still in the improvement stages (I know improvement never ends, but I am sort of at that just getting out of beginner, starting to get comfortable and learn more and more stage).

This book really does a good job of explaining the fundamentals of edge work, crossover, pivoting, turning, gliding stopping, everything really.

It also has a common problems part for each part, and corrective drills.

And at the back its got a series of sample workout programs (on ice workout) each lasting about an hour.

The thread about the keeping the ankles up put me in mind of this book. I have had it a while, but only really started using it recently.

Really good. I have been putting myself through some of the drills, and it really works.

Anyway, just thought i would throw it out there for some of the others who are in that beginner/next stage level too, where you are really starting to feel like you are playing hockey not just standing there while the game goes on around you.

Its helped me a lot, so hopefully some of the other relative new players who may have found this gem of a board will find it useful

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I use the ski/slalom drills to teach kids how to stop to both sides. The explanation about the recovery of the backwards C-cut is really good.

However, the skidded tight turn is missing, although the power turn is there.

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I used that book myself as well as pulled drills from it for the kids I coach.

Kids respond well to games so I have mixed some drills up with obsticle courses to trick them into having fun doing power skating drills.

Laura Stamm Book and DVD is another good tool for adults.

Drill #28 (skulling circle/c-cut circle) is my favorite to get the kids to work on outside edges and get comfortable for cross overs. I'll have them do one circle then come out of it, pick up a puck and shoot.

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Thanks 'Smoke, I went and bought it on Amazon today! After thumbing through it at borders, it seems like a great book. It may actually be more useful to me than Stamm's book, even if it isn't, it's always nice to get a different perspective. Many times, the same said in a different way is effective in giving someone a clear understanding of a concept. Espcially when it comes to reading about the motions skating.

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i love this book, i bought it a year ago... do any of you know of any books about shooting (pucks not people)?

i have a book called hockey drills for scoring. it has a pic of frosberg on the cover

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Ditto about "Hockey Drills for Scoring", but to get a good tutorial on shooting, get the Hull video about shooting.

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