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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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He's from the Northwest Territories of Canada. His older brother made it to the minor leagues, then got arrested for a DUI. Apparently the Inuit believe that if you disgrace yourself in society's eyes, you are not worth living. He committed suicide.

Jordin persevered and made it to the NHL.

Good kid - I helped him pick up pucks after one of Nashville's training camp practices.

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I think they aired a story on Tootoo back in 03-04 when the NHL was on FOX on one of those rare weekends. I don't get OLN but remember seeing a segment on Tootoo. He's one of my favorite players, a hard worker.

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He's from the Northwest Territories of Canada. His older brother made it to the minor leagues, then got arrested for a DUI. Apparently the Inuit believe that if you disgrace yourself in society's eyes, you are not worth living. He committed suicide.

Jordin persevered and made it to the NHL.

Good kid - I helped him pick up pucks after one of Nashville's training camp practices.

Great story!

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I love watching him splatter people. Haven't seen him play too many times.

I read his story in ESPN the magazine when he was a rookie. It is a good story.

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