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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector OPS - V120 T Pro Stock

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the 120T is real, it has a box like shape, the T stands for tradtional.

The 120C, the orange stick, is the one that is a lot more common. the C stands for contour

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IT's real. I think P. Bergeron was one of the first to use that style. I'd like to say Hinote as well.

As their ops is made like a wood stick, it is easy to do.

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No, the stick is not fused, so not possible to put a blade in.

Look at a 110 and 120 and you will understand.

That's what i thought too, as you can clearly see it's not fused...


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IT's real. I think P. Bergeron was one of the first to use that style. I'd like to say Hinote as well.

As their ops is made like a wood stick, it is easy to do.

I really didn't have a clue, thank's for letting me know!

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IT's real. I think P. Bergeron was one of the first to use that style. I'd like to say Hinote as well.

As their ops is made like a wood stick, it is easy to do.

I think Hinote was using them before Bergeron was in the league. He was the first one I saw and that was a few years back.

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Which is why I said "one of the first." :P

I was backing you up on the Hinote part. I remember all the speculation back on CB when he first started using them.

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Lemieux had a bucnh of those too, except they were marked as the 110, he also had the 120s like this and normal ones of both.

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Lemieux had a bucnh of those too, except they were marked as the 110, he also had the 120s like this and normal ones of both.

His V130s this year were the same thing.

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whats the texalium version of v110 i see? price point?

It´s basically a 2nd generation V110. That came out a year or two after the first 110´s. It´s got some different material in the blade. That´s about it. I think the price is about the same as for the regular 110.

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