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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme One90 Gloves

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Does anyone have pictures of them in all the different colors they come in? I google imaged them but couldn't find anything, and I don't see anything on this site about it. The only colors im seeing them in is the red/blue/grey and black/white. I really wanna see them in just all red or black/red cuz thats the colors of the team im playin for next season.

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We received solid black and black/red. They look very good. Also, the 14" glove feels a bit looser than the 14" sample I have been using since February. That is a plus as I thought the 14" sample was a bit snug. Remember, though, it is designed to fit snug to your hand.

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We received solid black and black/red. They look very good. Also, the 14" glove feels a bit looser than the 14" sample I have been using since February. That is a plus as I thought the 14" sample was a bit snug. Remember, though, it is designed to fit snug to your hand.

Yeah ive heard people say that before. I dunno if ill actually get them though, i really like the Bauer XXs. The One90s might be nice for me though, cuz i have a longer but somewhat skinny hand, so most gloves tend to be a bit loose on me.

Thanks for the help JR.

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I dunno of any stores here in michigan that have them. Peranis tends to never have any nice gloves, just like the Bauers Xs and Eagle gloves and i dont like Eagle gloves. The only place in Michigan ive gone to that has all the new equipment that comes out is this store in Marquette... they supply all the equipment and other stuff for Northern Michigan University's hockey team.

*Marquette is a 9 hour drive from where I live, so I only get to go to that store when my friend takes me up there to stay at his house he has up there.

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I dunno of any stores here in michigan that have them. Peranis tends to never have any nice gloves, just like the Bauers Xs and Eagle gloves and i dont like Eagle gloves. The only place in Michigan ive gone to that has all the new equipment that comes out is this store in Marquette... they supply all the equipment and other stuff for Northern Michigan University's hockey team.

thats crazy! ive never heard of anyone who didnt like eagle gloves before WOW :blink:

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I dunno of any stores here in michigan that have them. Peranis tends to never have any nice gloves, just like the Bauers Xs and Eagle gloves and i dont like Eagle gloves. The only place in Michigan ive gone to that has all the new equipment that comes out is this store in Marquette... they supply all the equipment and other stuff for Northern Michigan University's hockey team.

Hockey Central? Kipes runs a great shop up there!

I work for B&R, we just got One90s in, black/white only, 13", 14", and 15".

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I work for B&R, we just got One90s in, black/white only, 13", 14", and 15".

joshy207, can you put up pics? I need a hook up!

What size would fit in finger size and total hand length to a 13" Eagle X70i?

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My store didn't order them. Greeeeeeeeeeat.

Getting those gloves in hockey mad Michigan was a no-brainer. Does the buyer have one?

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I dunno of any stores here in michigan that have them.  Peranis tends to never have any nice gloves, just like the Bauers Xs and Eagle gloves and i dont like Eagle gloves.  The only place in Michigan ive gone to that has all the new equipment that comes out is this store in Marquette... they supply all the equipment and other stuff for Northern Michigan University's hockey team.

thats crazy! ive never heard of anyone who didnt like eagle gloves before WOW :huh:

I don't like the one piece fingers.

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I dunno of any stores here in michigan that have them.  Peranis tends to never have any nice gloves, just like the Bauers Xs and Eagle gloves and i dont like Eagle gloves.  The only place in Michigan ive gone to that has all the new equipment that comes out is this store in Marquette... they supply all the equipment and other stuff for Northern Michigan University's hockey team.

Hockey Central? Kipes runs a great shop up there!

I work for B&R, we just got One90s in, black/white only, 13", 14", and 15".

Yeah I think it is hockey central. The people who work there are real cool too. The guy let me try on a pair of the Synergy 1500 skates when I was there long before the synergys were supposed to come out.

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