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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Song Help

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Hey, im sure most of you are bored with my song needs, but this one annoys me. The lyrics go like ' Im a loser baby, so why dont you kill me' or summit like that, anyone any ideas?


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Sounds like a sucky song but is it this?

Weird Al Yankovic

The Checks in the Mail

EDIT: Actually I think its Loser by Beck, I think the above ^^ was a parody of it

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anyone ever hear of the von bondies? they do the theme song to rescue me, which is my number one song at the moment. but they seem like a awkward band cause they hardly have any songs, just a few theme songs here and there.

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anyone ever hear of the von bondies? they do the theme song to rescue me, which is my number one song at the moment. but they seem like a awkward band cause they hardly have any songs, just a few theme songs here and there.

I love "C'mon C'mon" by them.

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