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Price of XXX skates and sizing?

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Does anyone know the price that the XXX skates would be at hockeygiant as on their site it says call for price, but i am in the UK so I dont want to spend the money on the call as it is so expensive. Also what size would i be in bauer if im 11.5 in mission?


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When i wanna know a "Call for price" item from hockey giant i go on to their live chat/help thing on the top left hand side of their home page, they are pretty helpful aswell

1000th POST! YAHOO :D

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Idk at Hockeygiant..but I've seen it from around $400 give or take a few dollars.

And I'd say no to the sizing. Mission is truer to your normal shoe size. I'm an 11 in my Mission inlines and 8.5 in my Vapors.

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Am i right in saying i would be size 11 in bauer if im 11.5 in mission?

Take the insole out of your mission skates and see where the toe leaves an imprint.

Measure that then go to a store near you if possible that has a bauer skate and measure that and that should give you a good fit for your XXX.

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Am i right in saying i would be size 11 in bauer if im 11.5 in mission?

Take the insole out of your mission skates and see where the toe leaves an imprint.

Measure that then go to a store near you if possible that has a bauer skate and measure that and that should give you a good fit for your XXX.

Well im in the UK so i have to order from the USA so unfortunatley i cant try them on :(

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Am i right in saying i would be size 11 in bauer if im 11.5 in mission?

Take the insole out of your mission skates and see where the toe leaves an imprint.

Measure that then go to a store near you if possible that has a bauer skate and measure that and that should give you a good fit for your XXX.

Well im in the UK so i have to order from the USA so unfortunatley i cant try them on :(

I realize that but you want the tightest fit so if anyone has XX you can try on the XXX fit about half size smaller!

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Am i right in saying i would be size 11 in bauer if im 11.5 in mission?

Take the insole out of your mission skates and see where the toe leaves an imprint.

Measure that then go to a store near you if possible that has a bauer skate and measure that and that should give you a good fit for your XXX.

Well im in the UK so i have to order from the USA so unfortunatley i cant try them on :(

I realize that but you want the tightest fit so if anyone has XX you can try on the XXX fit about half size smaller!

Know one i know has bauer ( i play roller and im getting ice skates to convert) so if someone has an accurate sizing equivalent to mission 11.5 ice or mission roller 12 ill just go with that.

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