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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Chassis Deal...

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Hi Guys,

sorry if there is already a topic on this, i searched but couldnt find what i need,

Ive heard about the deal tour do/did where for $100 (i beleive) you get a hum'er chassis and they will mount it for you.

Is this deal still going? and if so does anyone have a link to some information about it?

Thanks in advance

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Does anyone know if anyone from Tour checks this board?....Ive tried and tried and cant get any emails answered or phone calls regarding this deal...Even if the deal isent going on still Id like to get a set of frames and have the tour guys mount them since they have done so many and know exactully how to do it...UNLESS there is any pro shop guys here who know how to dremel the skates and mount them right?...JR, lol you couldnt do it could ya?

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It's back on the site now!

Perhaps im just not looking in the right place, but I cant see it on the website...where abouts is it??


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Does anyone know if anyone from Tour checks this board?....Ive tried and tried and cant get any emails answered or phone calls regarding this deal...Even if the deal isent going on still Id like to get a set of frames and have the tour guys mount them since they have done so many and know exactully how to do it...UNLESS there is any pro shop guys here who know how to dremel the skates and mount them right?...JR, lol you couldnt do it could ya?

I think tour17 works for 'em.

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It's back on the site now!

Perhaps im just not looking in the right place, but I cant see it on the website...where abouts is it??


On the welcome page, bottom left corner.

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