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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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neeed some help!

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i know i should search and i did but would a permanent marker work to colour your holder i have lightspeeds on my xx and i wannna colour the holders black someone who has done this in the past...or what should i use.. i dont want to take the holders off and that stuff so dont list any ideas if it involves taking the holders off.

thanks in advance!

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I have never tried this but everyone always says that krylon fusion paint would be your best bet three or four layers of the stuff just tape off the bottom of your boot and put a a bag around your entire boot also tape the blade and it should stay on pretty well if its done right.

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I have never tried this but everyone always says that krylon fusion paint would be your best bet three or four layers of the stuff just tape off the bottom of your boot and put a a bag around your entire boot also tape the blade and it should stay on pretty well if its done right.

how much does that cost at a local store? and has anyone tried permenent marker>?

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Permanent marker isn't that great. You can see the marker strokes and it didn't end up truly black on my skates. I wound up just painting them. Make sure you tape well...I thought I did but still had some bleeding. Maybe it was the tape I used...-shrug-

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Permanent marker isn't that great. You can see the marker strokes and it didn't end up truly black on my skates. I wound up just painting them. Make sure you tape well...I thought I did but still had some bleeding. Maybe it was the tape I used...-shrug-

How well is the paint holding up I've been thinking about this myself but I dont wanna wasted my time if its not gonna stay?

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Permanent Marker would be a bad idea for what David13 said. It'd take a while and just run off

i just did it and it doesnt oook that bad.. ill post some pics tomorow i am gonna put a coat of something but i dont know what to put over it.? any ideas?

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A clear coat.

I'd actually suggest dying them. I have heard good things about dyed holders. Since it soaks into the holder its not on the surface therefore won't chip. When i get my grafs im going to try dying the cobras that come on them for fun. RIT dye is the way to go i believe.

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A clear coat.

I'd actually suggest dying them. I have heard good things about dyed holders. Since it soaks into the holder its not on the surface therefore won't chip. When i get my grafs im going to try dying the cobras that come on them for fun. RIT dye is the way to go i believe.

how much does that cost? and what kind of clear coat is the best also the price of it?

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Any clear coat would work in my eyes. Neither of the products should exceed like $10, but i'm not sure the price on RIT for sure.

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i have done this also with lightspeeds on XX's heres what i did:

properly tape off the boot adn blade (or you can just take them out) from the holder and tape a bag over the boot so only the holder is exposed

get some Krylon Fusion spray paint (1 can is fine) and give the holders a full 4 or so coats all the way around let each coat dry before applying the next

if you desire put on aclear coat, let dry and bam you have beautiful black lightspeeds on some XX's

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I did the permanent marker thing like a year ago on my xxx's, it turned out pretty good and it didnt run off.

Edit: Idk if the clearcoat would work or not or if the idea would have the same effects as what i did once...i used the marker to do a roller blade chassis and they were all beat up so i tryed spray painting them white and everything got screwed up the marker started to run off and the paint would run and it was just a mess. I'm not sure how it'd work with clear coat and plastic though.

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