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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stock Pitch List

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Ok, there are only 2 brands of skates that I know have a pitch: NBH (backward) and Graf (forward). Could someone give a list of all skate brands and the pitch that they come with (excluding Mission skates with the PITCH3 holder)


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Well from measuring every skate on the wall a ton of times here is what I have as of late.

skate model front measurment rear measurment

Bauer One90 15/32nds 15/32nds

CCM Vector 10.0 9K 21/32nds 20/32nds *** as of the 2005 model year****

Vapor XXX 16/32nds 16/32nds

Easton 19/32nds 21/32nds

Thats stricley the blade hieghts and does not take in acount what the holder measures for total height. Plus some of the newer skates with the flat outsoles lower the skate even more in the back.

But in checking the total heights a while back they seemed to pretty consistant with the steel so it is a good basis for how the skates sit.

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The 2005 Mission catalog had a very basic comparison chart that was pretty nice.

You mean I typed that out for nothing...LOL mind you my catalogue is in the car.... so!

Nah, they didn't use numbers. It was just a pick of a skate and lines drawn to show the relationship between them.

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