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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom skates

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Yes but to get some of that detailed stuff done you really need to be there to be measured.

There are few stores that can order skates like that. Although that is a very good website. Very detailed.

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and for how much will these mods goes for?? If i'm right, i tihnk it was 100$ more? But is it only available on top end skate??

Can you go to any LHS??

Last one, anyone ever deal with ccm for custom?Thanks

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and for how much will these mods goes for?? If i'm right, i tihnk it was 100$ more? But is it only available on top end skate??

Can you go to any LHS??

Last one, anyone ever deal with ccm for custom?Thanks

Yah and good hockey shop should have one guy that does it. I do it for all of our stores although I have a couple other guys that can if I am not available.

And Yes you can get CCM done as well.

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I am considering custom skates and what I worry about is being fitted and optioned by someone who doesn't really know that much. I called one place and they didn't sound too confident but then said they do them.

Anyone know of anybody in the Pittsburgh area that would be reliable to get customs done?

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A lot of the times, they will schedule an appointment with the local sales rep.

unless they go see you JR then who needs a rep when good ol'JR can go above and beyond the local rep

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