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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ive been looking round to replace my Cobra holders on my Graf's. I really would like some black tuuk custom+ holders and have found a store that can supply them.

I've searched through the threads and it seems people have the opinion they are weaker than the white option. Why is this?

I train twice a week and play once, is it worth sticking to white if im gonna get some hassle from black ones?


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Tuuk holders come with a one year warranty

You may want to check with your dealer on this, usually warranty is when they are on Bauer skates, not retrofits.

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New perforated steel in GRAF is excellent. Stay with Cobra, not worth the hassle.

Did it with my last pair of GRAF. G9 are terrific.

In my experience Graf's perforated steel was garbage. The perforated steel on my G5s broke after a couple weeks of use. I'm pretty sure Graf stopped using the Perforated steel on later G series skates because many people had issues with them breaking.

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this is true..the warrenty is vioded if on a different brand of skate

So if you had black tuuks put on to another Bauer skate they would still be under warrenty?

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Good luck with black Tuuks, no wholesalers that I know had any left last year.

I found a place in Southern England which discontinued them but still has some selected sizes in stock, so i guess i was pretty lucky.

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