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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission sticks

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I was wondering what stick was closer to the l-2. The hex-1 or pulse. Im hoping to get the ag skates with free stick. Which one is closer. Also how are the grips on the sticks with the grip?

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  hockeytim18 said:
I was wondering what stick was closer to the l-2. The hex-1 or pulse. Im hoping to get the ag skates with free stick. Which one is closer. Also how are the grips on the sticks with the grip?
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L-2s are going very cheep online, just get the L-2

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The L-2 is a proven, solid stick; a lot of people have complained about the blade on the Hex-1 going soft very quickly; the Pulse has only been out a little while and not many people have used it. You can't go wrong on the L-2. As for grip, I think Mission's grip is great because it's part of the stick rather than a sticker, and it's not too tacky. Unfortunatley, the L-2 doesn't come in grip.

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Well i dont know if its like the L-2 but i really liked my Hex-1 untill some wise guy jumped on the shaft when i dropped it <_<

It only took about 5" off but i don't use it anymore becuase of that, but i would still reccomend it to you.

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If you getting it free with the skates go for the Pulse. The Hex blows, the L2's you can get the shaft on ebay for 45-50 $ Pulses arent going to come down in price for a while. Best bang for your dollar errr skates is the Pulse.

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I agree with shnuggs, don't go with a Hex-1. The blade on it is not what it's cracked up to be. It goes soft quicker than you can say Hex-1.

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Does the pulse feel somewhat like the l-2 or is this an uncomparable stick? Is the grip good as in new easton where its good for a little while then comes off or the good old easton grips.

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I was under the impression that this is that last year for production on the L-2. Thats why they are so cheap, and they were switching to a new 2 peice stick next year. I could be wrong though.

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  chilaxin12 said:
Don't get the pulse, the blade is thick and it lacks feel, sure it reduces vibration but it is a thick blade that lacks a lot of feel.
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Are you kidding? The feel is amazing

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Bud... The Pulse is the best feeling stick I have used to date. Including, Stealth's, SL's, SyNergys, RBK's (7k's, 6k's) and more.. And the blade is a tiny bit thicker then a Stealth.

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