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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about CCM skates

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What are the differences between the Tacks line and the Vector line? Does one have an advantage over the other? I was all set to buy a new pair of 892 Supertacks, but I see a lot of people talking about the Vector line, so I think I should find out whats up with them. Also, what would be the same level skate in the Vector as the 892 tacks?

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You will have a wider fitting boot with the Tacks and stiffer. The Vectors will be lighter and more performance driven.

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i have a pair of tacks and my brother has a pair of vectors so I get to try both each week

I have to say I prefer the tacks. they feel more solid on my foot, I dont particularly llike how light the vectors are, and when lacing up the vectors dont feel as snug as the tacks

but it all comes down to preference

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i have a pair of tacks and my brother has a pair of vectors so I get to try both each week

I have to say I prefer the tacks. they feel more solid on my foot, I dont particularly llike how light the vectors are, and when lacing up the vectors dont feel as snug as the tacks

but it all comes down to preference

maybe its because the vectors area stiffer and you need to mold them to at least get them to "wrap" around your foot?

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i have a pair of tacks and my brother has a pair of vectors so I get to try both each week

I have to say I prefer the tacks. they feel more solid on my foot, I dont particularly llike how light the vectors are, and when lacing up the vectors dont feel as snug as the tacks

but it all comes down to preference

maybe its because the vectors area stiffer and you need to mold them to at least get them to "wrap" around your foot?

Mine (Vector Pro's before and Vector 10.0's now) fit like a glove and I didn't and won't bake either pair.... again, skates are all about finding what fits your particular foot and style of play... and again for the record I went from Vapors to Vectors and it was the smartest thing (for my feet and style of play) I ever did.

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i have a pair of tacks and my brother has a pair of vectors so I get to try both each week

I have to say I prefer the tacks. they feel more solid on my foot, I dont particularly llike how light the vectors are, and when lacing up the vectors dont feel as snug as the tacks

but it all comes down to preference

maybe its because the vectors area stiffer and you need to mold them to at least get them to "wrap" around your foot?

Mine (Vector Pro's before and Vector 10.0's now) fit like a glove and I didn't and won't bake either pair.... again, skates are all about finding what fits your particular foot and style of play... and again for the record I went from Vapors to Vectors and it was the smartest thing (for my feet and style of play) I ever did.

I also have both vectors but it makes a big difference baking it.

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When you guys don't bake Vector 10s at all, is it for durability reasons?

Also, how is transition from Bauer Vapors going? Any advice? Thx.

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I'm recieving Vector 10's as replacments for my Rbk9k's. (2 skates have blowed out so I rather not have pump skates again PP) Had Vector Pro's before and loved them.

And I to am wondering, weather or not I should bake em. Have pretty deform feet so leaning most towards bakeing them, have access to a CCM F-I-T machine. Does that really help, or is the bakeing itself the most important aspect?

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I've never used the FIT system but I think the concept of vacuum fitting a skate is better than just baking them and putting them on. I always prefer to wear my skates for a few stick & puck sessions before I even think about baking them, they may feel great right out of the box and baking doesn't help break them in.

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I've never used the FIT system but I think the concept of vacuum fitting a skate is better than just baking them and putting them on. I always prefer to wear my skates for a few stick & puck sessions before I even think about baking them, they may feel great right out of the box and baking doesn't help break them in.

FIT helps if the skate doesn't actually fit properly.

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When you guys don't bake Vector 10s at all, is it for durability reasons?

Also, how is transition from Bauer Vapors going? Any advice? Thx.

For me the skates were just a natural fit... kind of zen actually :) so i never felt the need to bake them. as for the transistion I just had the blades contoured like my old bauer blades (did a 10ft radius and a toe down pitch) and didn't have an issue.

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