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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I coach at the Atom House level, may do Pee-Wee this year. I am a beer-leaguer coming back from a serious injury, too.

The strength and workout (off-season) sections are OK for older players.

The skating section is quite strong.

I really like the sections that deal with the pushy parents, expectations, and coaching techniques.

There are some good vids for skating and other skills, but these are samples for experts wanting to sell DVDs.

The drill and practice sections have interesting concepts; it's always good to get other points of view. I don't have the chance to go to many coaching seminars, so this site is a way for me to get new ideas.

There isn't too much that I don't like about the site.

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If you are looking for sites for coaching material there are some very good ones out there that don't require you to pay to join.

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I am a member but really don't use it much, it's geared toward younger kids and I just don't get much out of it at the college level.

Yes, it is definitely for younger players. Recent articles seem to be moving towards older players, but the bulk is for younger players, their parents, and their (volunteer) coaches.

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I use the site quite a bit. It may be geared to younger players in some aspects, but many of the articles on health and conditioning advice are universal. Also, the "drills" section has nice diagrams of drills that can be applied at practically any level. If the drill is "too easy", modify it once your players master it. But...you get a nice diagram to use to initially present it to your players.

Also, the site is geared to grow based on user input. The more of you guys in the higher levels that visit the site, the more it will begin to reflect our level of play and our interests.

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I haven't signed up for the site yet but I did order the "magazine." I was very disappointed. I signed up in Feb I think and I have only seen one issue on summer camps, which was worthless. It is more ads than anything and it is done like a newspaper.

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