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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T-Blade Metallic Holders

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Anyone have the metallic holders? I am thinking of having the metallic royal blue installed on my NBH Supreme 50's, but have not seen any good pictures of them. The photos on the T-Blade website are small and not very detailed. I am also trying to figure out if they are going to be too flashy and to possibly go with a white holder and metallic royal blue stabilizers/rear clip. Any opinions???

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My friend has the metalic stabalisers and the colour came off them pretty much straight away, so if the same were to happen with the holders i'd say they would look horrible in a few weeks.

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My friend has the metalic stabalisers and the colour came off them pretty much straight away, so if the same were to happen with the holders i'd say they would look horrible in a few weeks.

That's a good point... I wasn't sure about the durability of the metallic coating. Is it a paint-like material? Unfortunately the LHS here doesn't carry them, or anything good at all for that matter. Thanks for the info. :)

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I've seen them. They are nice and flashy but more expensive and that's one reason why I don't have them on my skates and use the plain white holders and stabilizers instead. The store's rep has told me that the color does indeed chip away rather quickly so the extra money they charge is simply not worth it. I wish they had them in other colors than white and black for the holders.... I'm sure they can come up with grey, blue, red or whatever, in plastic and not painted. Personally I would recommend against getting these holders if I were you.

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I've seen them. They are nice and flashy but more expensive and that's one reason why I don't have them on my skates and use the plain white holders and stabilizers instead. The store's rep has told me that the color does indeed chip away rather quickly so the extra money they charge is simply not worth it. I wish they had them in other colors than white and black for the holders.... I'm sure they can come up with grey, blue, red or whatever, in plastic and not painted. Personally I would recommend against getting these holders if I were you.

i thought they did make themin colored plastic,. i thought one of my pals had them in blue plastic.

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Well, I think I am going to go with the all black set-up, maybe a metallic royal blue rear clip. The place I am ordering from said the metallic and carbon systems are on backorder until sometime in August. I am also concerned about the metallic finish chipping off.

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The metallic finish will chip off, be assured of that. As soon as you get a pass in your skates, hit by a stick or another skate, you are almost certain to get a chip... so I don't think that the nice metallic coating would last much longer than one or two games without chipping but I don't have any first hand experience with them though. I personally wouldn't buy them that way. Not worth the extra cash IMO

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