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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Questions about easton skates

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OK, there is a pair of easton skates on ebay, fairly cheap. They look to be in good condition.

I was told the toebox is fairly wide on them, and also that they fit a bit different than CCM tacks, that a size 13 shoe would be an 11 for easton, rather than a size and a half down.

Basically, I was going to bid on them, but I wear 11.5 tacks, do they really fit different.

Obviously I can't try them on, so was wondering if someone who knew could shed some light on them.

Auction listing

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I would get 1/2 size bigger in Easton. I wear a 10 NBH and had to go with a 10.5 Easton. It would be a risk getting them.

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